She should be easy to find...
Height- 5'5" and wearing 4" heels!
Weight- hmmm...her double chin should say it all
Hair- Blonde (kind of)
Eyes- Blue
Wearing- an ipod on her eggplant/white shirt?
Fingers- all ten tipped with black ink that won't come off!!!!!
If you run across this suspect, beware she is armed and dangerous. Approach the suspect with caution, but get a good look at her right index finger. This finger is the only evidence the FBI has that the suspect ever touched the lock box. Contact agent Parker Golden to report any new information.
Please note: This is a joke, but the fact that Mom's fingers are covered in black ink is completely true!!!!
Watch out! I spotted her about 2:30 this morning lingering in the corporate offices of GPDS, Inc. She was then seen traveling north at a high rate of speed...
North I don't think was the right direction, but how would you know you only slept!
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