Friday, January 18, 2008

Conference- Good?

Whew! We made it through our second conference for 2nd grade. Parker does well in school and loves his teacher (he thinks she is funnier than Jeff Foxworthy!!!!). Pretty much the same conference we have had for three years...Parker is a smart kid, he just needs to think before he acts when dealing with his friends. He jumped up in his reading ability- we told him practice makes perfect and now we have PROOF that reading everyday makes a difference. He loves math, but doesn't like to be timed for his basic facts. He passed the 12s this week and we hope he gets through his 18s in two minutes really soon...go Parker!

So our goal is just to help him make the best of choices and do the "extra credit" that is offered.

You know the philosophy- if it is "extra" than that means it doesn't have to be done. Definitely his Dads kid here. :) Dad could pass all the tests with great grades and not have to study. Didn't work that way for mom's neurotic study habits!!!!! The best part mom and dad agree with the teacher that Parker is more than capable of taking on a bit extra and challenging himself with a few goals.

School is so much different than when we attended elementary, but Parker is probably a whole lot smarter than we were then too :)

Hope you all enjoy your day!

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