Monday, January 14, 2008

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Grum?

The story and fun behind Parker's picture from Sunday morning only continues with the conversations that ensued. It seems that pirates are known for not only sailing and fighting, but also for drinking. I know--who woulda thunk it?

Parker was happy to talk me through just such a sequence of events on his pirate movie, and then he grabbed his bottle of "grum". He took a swig, and explained to me that each pirate has his very own bottle of grum, and after they fight, they drink.

A bit later, I overheard him telling his mother a similar story, detailing how each bottle gets wrapped in a brown paper bag.

One thing rings true in this example of the innocence of a child...he has no idea what "grum" actually is--and for that matter, neither do I!

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